TLDR I recently discovered how to download movie/show/anime files on my mac with amazing quality. We go over the most important information you need to know when looking for your perfect torrenting clients and sites, including Pirate Bay, 1337x. Anime torrent search engine with many fansub/fandub groups actively sharing torrents. Can someone please explain to me the benefits of torrenting, and are there any other ones than the ones I mentioned? Well show you truly the best anime torrent sites youll find today. Since I have a mac, that was a problem but today I found an alternative way how to do it. I found out that the best way around this is to torrent or download the files and it'll give you beautiful quality. I compared something I was watching on zoro to crunchyroll's quality and there was a vast difference. Para baixar animes originais deste site, você pode usar o chrome video downloader ou o aplicativo Video Download Helper. I did some research and found out that apparently when they bring them to these pirating sites, it downscales the resolution and everything when it wants to upload it, so as a result, it has bad quality. Site: 9anime é conhecido como um site gratuito de streaming que permite assistir animes legendados, dublados e originais online. I usually always pirate stuff on streaming sites like zoro or goku when I want to watch anime or a show or a movie or whatever, but recently, the quality has been really bothering me a lot and I can't help but notice how shitty it is.